The positive side of stress

However, one should not forget the positive aspects of stress. The physical phenomenon, which we call it today, may seem antiquated and in many areas no longer up to the demands of our modern world - but it is a fact, that a life totally stress free not just boring, but also irritating … Continue reading “The positive side of stress”

However, one should not forget the positive aspects of stress. The physical phenomenon, which we call it today, may seem antiquated and in many areas no longer up to the demands of our modern world - but it is a fact, that a life totally stress free not just boring, but also low-stimulus and simply not intense.

Not everyone has had the opportunity at some point in their life, nothing to do during a carefree break - but the people, who could enjoy this privilege, almost always came to that conclusion after a while, that the "stress-free life" is not so appealing after all.

But why is that, is not easy to justify neurologically, however, it becomes apparent quickly, considering a person's subjective feelings.

When we don't have stress in our life, we also lack the challenges, because these two phenomena are relatively closely connected in our perception. Without challenges, however, we also lack positive experiences, that can only be done in this special way - that's clear, that stress also has a positive side, at least in this respect.

So we should try plain and simple in our everyday life, to integrate the unpleasant stress in a way, which allows us, to draw a positive long-term experience from the possibly unpleasant experience of physical tension caused by stress and anger - if we manage stressful and grueling phases, we will come out of it safer and stronger in the end. So that this experience can be had in this way though, is it important, that we are only exposing ourselves to stress, which is unavoidable - in addition to the acute and externally induced stress, there is also inner tension, its not just long term and more uncomfortable, but is usually also more difficult to avoid, because it is difficult to influence them from the outside.