Broccoli planted at the end of April to the beginning of May is ready to be cut in the second half of June

Broccoli planted at the end of April to the beginning of May is ready to be cut in the second half of June.

you reap, when the individual buds of the flower are already well developed, but are still firmly closed. This is a time not to be missed, especially in very warm weather, because the flowers. the individual buds also loosen up quickly and thus lose quality. You cut about 10 up to 15cm below the flower, because of the broccoli also the thick-fleshed ones, tender stalks are used («Spargelkohl»). After the central flower has been harvested, side shoots with smaller flowers develop from the leaf axils, their cutting maturity approximately 16 to 20 days after the first harvest begins. Another top fertilization immediately after the first harvest and regular watering greatly promotes the formation of side shoots.
Harvested broccoli must be used as soon as possible, because the flowers wither relatively quickly and become overgrown. It should also be noted, that broccoli is very suitable for freezing. It is worthwhile if the scope of cultivation is appropriate, to stock up in the freezer for the low-vitamin season.