Years come to cultivation in the same place and should not come before or after cabbage types, Years come to cultivation in the same place and should not come before or after cabbage types.
Fresh manure in particular should be avoided. It promotes pest infestation and would have little effect anyway given the short development time of the lettuce. Lettuce is very sensitive to salt, what to consider under glass and film. It reacts to excessive salt concentrations in the soil, caused by over-fertilization, with significant growth depression. Nitrogen over-fertilization can also lead to "internal leaf burn" and "nerve tanning".. Mineral fertilization must therefore be carried out very carefully, if you do not want to jeopardize the success of the cultivation.
Half of the nitrogen fertilization is given just before planting, the other half when the head begins to form, preferably in liquid form, then rinse off with clear water. Lettuce tolerates fresh liming, so that in case of need (pH below 6,5) can be fertilized before planting.