There are a surprising number of ways to grow lettuce, especially under glass and foil as well as in mixed cultivation with other types of vegetables.
The decisive factor for this is its short development time, which, depending on the cultivation period and variety, is only approx 5 to 7 Requires weeks from planting to harvest. Lettuce is excellent for the initial use of small greenhouses, Cold frames and foil tents in spring. It is also recommended to use the mentioned premises in autumn for the harvest period from October to the end of November. A proven means of early harvesting in the open field is also short-term covering with perforated film. This achieves about 8 to 12 days earlier harvests. The slide should 400 to 500 have holes/m². she can 3 to 4 remain on the plants for weeks.
Lettuce yields to all outdoor vegetables, which will be ordered from mid-May, a good previous crop. Its possible uses as a secondary crop are at least as varied, as it can be planted in late summer until the last decade of August. Mixed cultivation with others is also possible, long-lived vegetables, knows z. B. Cucumber, stick tomatoes and pole beans. It is particularly useful for mixed cultivation with tomatoes and runner beans, the lettuce, for example 14 days until 3 Plant weeks before ordering the main crop, so that the heads reach their cutting stage, before they are overshadowed. Growing lettuce between rows of strawberries in the spring has also proven to be quite beneficial.