Lettuce can be grown in any garden under our climatic conditions

Lettuce can be grown in any garden under our climatic conditions.

in front- and low mountain ranges as well as in the coastal areas, however, you have to be on the early morning- and avoid late cultivation, since the beginning of the harvest is partly. considerably delayed. If possible, choose a sunny one for early cultivation, warm location, i.e. the south side of buildings, arbours, fences etc. Shady locations are unsuitable. Well hardened young plants easily survive frosts down to -5°C. However, rapid development only starts at temperatures of around 12°C. Long periods of rain lead to failure of plants that are almost ready to be cut due to rot, whereas periods of drought promote bolting.

Early lettuce thrives best on humus, easily heatable loamy sand- and sandy loam soils. Heavy soils that tend to crust lead to failure. The same applies to soils with a pH below 6,5. Lettuce must not be grown after itself, or after endive and chicory. On light soils you should also head- and avoid cauliflower as a preceding crop. Moreover, such cultures are suitable as previous crops, leaving the soil in good structural condition, knows z. B. leek, onions or French beans.