All builders must pay attention to this

All builders must pay attention to this: The structural requirements Before you run to the offices and/or consult your co-owners' meeting, should you consider the structural substance of your house or. Inspect the attic and clarify whether: ■ ein sicherer Zuweg zum Dachboden existiert bzw. to set up (plan a fixed staircase), ■ es möglich ist, to the ver- and … Continue reading “All builders must pay attention to this”

All builders must pay attention to this:
The structural requirements
Before you run to the offices and/or consult your co-owners' meeting, should you consider the structural substance of your house or. Inspect the attic and clarify whether:

■ ein sicherer Zuweg zum Dachboden existiert bzw. to set up (plan a fixed staircase),

■ es möglich ist, to the ver- and disposal lines of the house (Hot and cold water pipe for bathroom, waste water connection, Strom etc.),

■ die neuen Räume an den Heizkreislauf des Hauses angeschlossen werden können,
■ an den Schornstein eine Gastherme oder ein Ofen angeschlossen werden kann (The district chimney sweep can provide information),

■ die Dacheindeckung in Ordnung ist und eine vernünftige Dämmung zwischen den Sparren eingebracht werden kann,

■ der Fußbodenaufbau eine ausreichende Trittschall- and thermal insulation guaranteed or. whether it can be achieved with installation panels or insulated installation systems,

■ eine ausreichende Belichtung des Dachraumes zu verwirklichen ist (usually should 10 percent of the floor area is available as a window area).

The building law borrowed prerequisites

Whether your expansion is subject to approval and which laws and regulations apply, must be clarified before construction begins. The most important rules:

Should a new apartment be built under the roof in an apartment building, the construction measure is generally dependent on the granting of a building permit. The building authority responsible for your district will inform you about the guidelines that apply to your state. The expansion is treated like a new building in terms of building law, which is why the latest regulations on noise, Heat and fire safety must be followed.

Should the previously unused attic in a single-family house be converted, everything is measured first: Will the floor area of ​​the converted attic be less than two-thirds of the floor below, which is usually the case, the new living space does not result in an additional full floor under building law and can be built in most federal states without a building permit. However, this only applies, if no changes to the existing building structure have to be made (static interventions, dormers etc.). As a rule, the new space should be under the roof
on two thirds of the floor area a minimum height of 2,30 meters (so in Hamburg, precisely regulated in the state building regulations). Also it is out of liability- and insurance reasons advisable, to follow all standard fire safety regulations.

In addition to the building regulations (Federal building law and state building regulations) the regulations of the local planning law must be observed.

The development plans of your city district or community not only show the number of floor areas (she shows off, how much living space can be built on how many storeys), but also regulates numerous other structural issues, to ensure uniform development in the corresponding area. You can view the development plans at the responsible building authority or the urban planning departments.

Our tip: Construction law and planning law are a difficult subject to understand. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should seek the advice of a local architect experienced in loft conversions. Information can be obtained from the Chamber of Architects or the Architects' Mediation Service in Munich,


Be careful when going it alone – Do you want to convert an attic into a condominium or convert or renovate your attic condominium?

■ You are usually a co-owner in an apartment building. This means, that you own private property on the top floor or in the existing apartment. Essential areas such as roof, outer walls, Staircase and cellar belong to the co-ownership, are therefore subject to the power of disposal of all owners.

■ Die rechtlichen Verhältnisse der Eigentümer untereinander sind im Wohnungseigentumsgesetz geregelt. A detailed description of the relevant property can be found in the so-called declaration of division.

■ Über alle das Miteigentum betreffenden Teile des Hauses darf nur die Eigentümergemeinschaft verfügen.

Before you buy an attic for conversion, must be clarified, whether the owners' meeting agrees to the sale and the expansion and whether an expansion is possible under building law (The building authorities provide information on this). Even if you already own an attic apartment, you may not make any changes in the area of ​​co-ownership.

The expansion of unused attics, Changes in the stairwell, on the facade or the roof, e.g. installation of dormers, Construction of roof terraces or balconies, may not be carried out without the permission of the co-owners. As a homeowner, you are also subject to usage restrictions.

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