Cellars intended for storing vegetables must neither be too warm nor too dry

Cellars intended for storing vegetables must neither be too warm nor too dry.

Root vegetables will primarily be stored in the cellar. The best way to do this is to divide a corner of the basement with boards, puts a layer of moist sand on the bottom and then the vegetable in question, alternating a layer of vegetables with a layer of sand. Finally, the sides of the resulting camp pyramid are covered with sand. The sand should be moistened from time to time.

Root vegetables keep very well this way. Should cabbage be stored in the basement, then there must be a way for ventilation (window) to be available. The cabbage is stacked into pyramids- or roof-shaped pile, with the shanks pointing inwards. If the outside temperatures allow it, the windows in the storage cellar should remain open at all times, whereby the entry of mice must be prevented by gauze windows.

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