Bad breath can be very embarrassing, fortunately there are numerous options, to fight them. Here are some tips, which help you fight bad breath and make your mouth feel fresh and clean. 1. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss at least once a day. Flossing will be food particles between your teeth especially in areas, … Continue reading “10 WAYS, GET RID OF BAD BREATH FOR LAST”

Bad breath can be very embarrassing, fortunately there are numerous options, to fight them. Here are some tips, which help you fight bad breath and make your mouth feel fresh and clean.

1. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss at least once a day. Flossing will be food particles between your teeth especially in areas, where a toothbrush cannot reach, to remove.

2. Scratch or brush your tongue every time, when you brush your teeth. It gets all bacteria, killing those who live there, to.

3. You should replace your toothbrush every two to three months, or earlier, when the bristles are wires or worn out.

4. Avoid eating certain foods like onions, garlic and curry, because they are chemicals, which stay in your system for hours, until they contain processed out.

5. drink a lot of water. Water helps wash away food particles and speed up the production of saliva, which acts as a constant cleaning agent.

6. Chew a piece of gum after a meal, to help with cleaning out the food debris.

7. If you still smoke, we recommend you to leave! Smoking causes yellow teeth, Gum disease and bad breath.

8. Drinking alcohol and caffeine can cause dry mouth, which is a major reason for bad breath.

9. mouthwash, which is alcohol free, also helps, to kill bacteria, freshens breath and adds extra protection to your mouth.

10. Visit your dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings.

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