What is a position system ?

The payment 412 and 124 are written with the same digits; but we know, that they represent different numerical values. The value of a number doesn't just depend on the number sign, but also from it, where it is in a multi-digit number. This is why such a number is called a "place value system" or "position system".
For example, let's look at the number 2134.
2134 = 2 · 1000 + 1 · 100 + 3 · 10 + 4

The digit 2 So gets a thousand times the value, because they, counted from the right, fourth in our number; Digit 1 is increased a hundredfold, because it is in third place, and the 3 in second place is increased tenfold. The first digit
from the right always shows the number of ones, so here 4. Let's use powers, are we writing:

2134 = 2 · 10³ + 1 · 10² + 3 · 10¹ +4 · 10º, Because our place value system is based on the powers of ten, one calls our number system a "decadic position system".

One can also use powers of other numbers for a stelian value system. Let's think about a position system, that does not affect the 10, but on the number 3 founds.

2 · 3³ + 1 · 3² + 0 · 3¹ + 1 · 3º would have to be written in the three-digit system: 2101. Converted into a number of tens it results:

2 · 27 + 1 · 9 + 0 · 3 + 1 · 1 =
54 + 9 + 0 + 1 = 64

We have to pay attention, that in the three-part system we only have numerals for 0, 1 and 2 can use, because already the number 3 stands as 1 in the second position.

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