Tips less stress

Practical tips for less stress

when they are so busy, that they cannot complete their task in the time available, there are really only two options: either they take care of it, that there is less work, or they restructure their day like this, that they have more time.

Stress often cannot be dealt with on its own. The work awaits, and they hardly keep up, and with all good will it will hardly be possible for them in this situation, simply “keeping calm” and being judicious about the bugbear of stress.

One of the most important methods against any kind of real and avoidable stress is actually very simple: seek support. when they are so busy, that they cannot do it alone, this may make it easier for them to progress and achieve an achievement, if they have someone, who helps them – either a colleague at work, whom they can delegate part of their urgent work, or maybe their partner at home, who takes on a little more of that, what their job would actually be. A simple conversation is often enough, hence the uncomfortable feeling, to be no more than a plaything of external influences, quickly disappears.

Perhaps they can approach their stress problem from a different angle. This is one of the main reasons many people suffer from stress, because they don't seem to have enough time, to complete all tasks.

This observation may appear correct at first glance, does not necessarily correspond to the facts - for example, you can actually have a lot more time at your disposal, than you know, because you are misusing your time.

One of the most important points in this relationship is the relationship between time and energy. Many people look between these two important factors, which are essential for coping with everyday life, a completely wrong connection.

Because it's not like that, that they only have a certain amount of time, but also only a certain energy level, which greatly influences, how much they can do with their time.

Most people are actually aware of this fact, but not the simple consequence, that you have to draw from it.

Let's assume, we have a "time stock" of 100 percent and an "energy reserve" of maximum 100 percent. Normally every day begins, when we don't oversleep, always with a time reserve of 100 Percent - the energy level, with which we start the day, but experience has shown that it is not always the same, but can vary greatly.

Only then will we provide 100 percent performance, if we 100 percent of the time with 100 Percent energy work - a state, that you don't often get in everyday life, fortunately not often needed.

The misconception, which forms the basis of our classic daily planning, is actually very simple. We wake up to a worse day, when we feel less energy and may even have overslept. We get up quickly, skip breakfast and rush to work.

There we come with only 90 percent of the usual time and bring only at the same time 50 percent energy with, because we slept badly and didn't have breakfast - this makes a total of just a 45 percent performance that day.

If we had had breakfast in peace and thus our performance on, for example 70 percent increased, this would have easily compensated for a time loss of ten percent - our performance would have been significantly higher overall.

The exemplary numbers are intended here for illustration purposes only. Please observe them in your everyday life, that not every loss of time justifies it, giving up the important little things, that keep us refreshed and efficient. So it's always a mistake, to skip breakfast, just as you should normally pursue your sport despite time pressure - because in this way you can perform better than usual in the rest of the time, refreshed and recovered.

In return for emphasizing the importance of such trifles, pay attention, who maintain their efficiency, definitely on the many little time thieves, who ambush them throughout the day.

Things often don't go that way, as we planned, because we are always disturbed by unforeseen events. The phone rings, Visitors appear unannounced, or the conversations are too long and too fruitless, which in the end did not produce the right result.

Pay attention to that for a few days, which events are responsible for them, that things don't go that way, as you wished - you will gradually unmask some time thieves and then you can eliminate them.

Good examples of this include turning off the phone during a phase, where you don't want to be disturbed, or a "do not disturb" sign on their office door - which works well in the hotel, is often not entirely wrong in everyday life.

Sometimes it's just habits and bad planning, leading to the "loss" of time. Maybe they start their day with the wrong task - many people have made it a habit by now, read your email first, which makes it more difficult than it encourages a strong and rapid concentration on the day's work. The first work, what to focus on in the morning, is often very easy to do - once you have overcome the unpleasant first five minutes, where nothing seems to work.

Therefore, at the beginning of the day, they should not focus their energy on less important things like correspondence via email, prefer to focus on things, that require a lot of attention, so that they start their working day "on the right foot"..

Just the time, that you lose to time thieves in the first hours of the day, is often impossible to get back in throughout the day.

Not all tasks, that they encounter in their daily life, are really that important, that you should let them cause you stress. This is the concept of scheduling, a method, which of course is very old, but which has recently experienced a real renaissance.

Many tasks cannot be managed well, by simply starting to work "into the day" - you can only make good enough progress in these areas with appropriate planning. Therefore, you should pay attention to it, that they plan their day taking into account the two factors of energy and their time wasters, that they not only have enough time for really important tasks, but also filter out the unimportant ones and in the end be able to tackle the particularly complex tasks with a lot of energy.

There are several factors here, to be considered in effective scheduling. For one thing, relatively strict priorities are required, so that they are always well informed, which task is particularly important. When they plan their daily work (either in the morning or better yet in advance) please pay attention, that they for the main tasks (so for them, which must be fulfilled particularly urgently) plan an adequate time budget. In principle, it is better to calculate a little too much when distributing your capacities - it costs you energy unnecessarily, if they feel, that they are in default, which can easily happen if you plan too closely.

If anything comes between the smooth execution of their plan, put the new task in your priorities - it has to be done today, Or maybe she can wait for a day, where only less urgent tasks are pending?

When carrying out your work, pay close attention to the objective priorities. The temptation is great, to quickly do something “in between” with an unpleasant task, but it is precisely in this way that one relatively often ends up losing time and gaining nothing,

Keep your energy levels in mind as you plan. Typically, you are particularly efficient in the morning after a certain "training period"., as well as later in the afternoon, when you get over the midday slump. These fluctuations are of course individually different, and not everyone goes through the same phases - it's up to them, to watch yourself like that, that in the end they have a correct impression of their hardest working hours. Use these times for assignments, that either require high concentration or are otherwise strenuous - you'll get them done easier and faster that way.

However, it is also very important, that they simply remain realistic in their planning. Plan neither too much nor too little time for the individual tasks of a day, but choose the golden mean. Refrain from doing that, weeks- or create monthly plans, beyond a few deadlines or rough necessities - one cannot adequately overlook such a vast span of time, and it has proven to be a real problem in the past, that people, who tend to be stressed, could not benefit from their well-considered plans, because it was not foreseeable, that something came up.

When dealing with any kind of stress management, don't underestimate the important influence of breaks. These not only ensure that, that they remain efficient and active and are up to the tasks of the day, but they also ensure a greater sense of well-being - if they simply work like a machine, maybe some days they will perform amazingly, but in the end you will probably have to accept health problems - or simply cannot have a nice day.

Finally, with the many methods of coping with stress, one very simple one should not be forgotten. When they are struggling to cope with a task or a stressful period in their life, maybe it makes sense, if they have necessary skills, who might help you in this task, work out.

In many areas of professional life, for example, rhetorical skills are required today, to express yourself, represent and to make their views clear. Beyond professional qualifications (which are certainly no guarantee for a positive stress balance) it may be necessary, that they practice these skills, for example in a seminar, because they can act more confidently and indirectly gain greater self-confidence in this way, which of course can have a positive effect on your stress balance.