Harvest time for pome fruit

Now the autumn fruit is ripening. Tips for the correct handling of apples and pears.

Depending on the variety, apples and pears have very different ripening times. To realize, whether the fruits are ready to be harvested, you can do the so-called tipping test. This is checked, whether the stem easily detaches from the branch. Does it remain firmly on the branch despite the fruit tilting sideways?, should the apple or pear continue to ripen.

• Pflücken Sie Äpfel und Birnen immer mit Stielansatz, because this is the only way they can be stored without any problems. Many apple varieties such as the "Goldparmäne" or the "Rote Berlepsch" only reach their maturity after a few weeks of storage. Only early apples like the clear apple are eaten immediately after harvest.

• Die Früchte in flache Körbe oder Stiegen legen, so that they are not pressed unnecessarily. Never throw the apples or shake them from the tree. Fallen fruit can only be cooked into apple sauce or jelly, but not stored.

A branch support made of stainless steel protects heavy branches from breaking.
It is attached to a support pole, the branch laid in the bow (Obstund Gartenbauverlag).

A fruit picker is helpful with apple trees, which can otherwise only be harvested with the ladder. With a telescopic handle you can reach the fruit from the ground (Gardena).

The tipping test when picking shows, whether the apple is ready to be harvested. The handle should come off easily.

Rich apple trees like this apple trellis delight the gardener's heart in late summer. But always wait before harvesting, until the fruits are ready for storage, to get the full flavor enjoyment.

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