
News from the classic
Whether classic or with a completely new flower shape: Tulips belong in every spring garden. Your bulbs will be planted soon.

There are always new colors, not only in fashion- and shape trends, there are also many creative minds at work in plant breeding. A favorite field for her work is varieties of tulips.

• Ungewöhnlich sind die neuen, heavily filled varieties reminiscent of the flower balls of ranunculus, such as "Eskilstuna" (gelb) or "Verona" (ivory).

• Die sogenannten Bouquet-Tulpen erfreuen sich steigender Beliebtheit. Varieties like "Fringed Family" (rosa) or "Georgette" (yellow Red) offer a handful of flowers per bulb and flower stalk.

• Wer auch den Frühlingsgarten schon mit allen Sinnen genießen möchte, plants fragrant varieties such as "Monte Carlo" or "Christmas Marvel", preferably in a bucket on the terrace.

Plant bulb flowers properly
The spring bloomers need permeable soil without waterlogging and a sunny position. Plant the bulbs in groups well spaced apart.
Plant the onions about twice as deep, how high they are.

1 „Orange Queen“, a stately Darwin hybrid tulip for the perennial border (60 cm/ April; Pötschke).

2 „Monsella“, a flamed variety with a sweet scent. (30 cm/ April; Kiepenkerl).

3 „Candy Club“ liefert pro Zwiebel einen ganzen elfenbeinfarbenen Tulpenstrauß (50 cm/ Mai; Pötschke).

4 „Double Beauty of Apeldoorn“ ist eine Klasse für sich mit ihren prallgefüllten Blüten (50 cm / April-Mai; Pötschke).

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