Simple rules for a healthy diet

Today, a healthy and balanced diet almost always includes a low-fat diet. Overweight is in Germany, but also a major problem in many other western industrialized countries, not least, because there is a great lack of exercise.

Those who spend most of their day in a sedentary activity, which may not even be a real challenge mentally, it simply uses less energy, than he's likely to record.

It's very clear: at a desk there is always opportunity, to eat a chocolate bar or something similar in between, and last but not least due to a possible negative psychological effect of the work, the temptation is particularly great, give in to this desire.

But that's not the point, which we are aiming for here. How can you now, Under these circumstances, still change their diet in a healthy way?

The answer is actually quite simple: one should pay attention to it, Consume as few empty calories as possible. food, which contain a balanced mix of nutrients in addition to calories may also cause difficulties in losing weight, but first of all they are healthy.

The human body needs a whole range of different substances, so that its functions are guaranteed over the long term; next to protein, Carbohydrates and fat are mainly vitamins and nutrients.

In the recent past it has been shown clearly, that a healthy diet is not guaranteed, to follow complicated rules, what foods to eat each day. Therefore, we now know a few simple rules, which are represented by many experts and which - even if they may not be able to correct every shortcoming - are definitely a step in the right direction.

Make sure you eat a varied diet. The offer, which you can use in Germany for your diet, is immense – make use of it! The more they vary, the more new things they explore, the better a healthy and balanced diet is guaranteed.

In any case, pay attention to the feeling of satiety, which sets in after a while with every meal. Giving them an inner voice, when they are full - and too often we have another one, because it tastes good, because we want to continue enjoying it, Or because we've gotten used to it, too much to eat.

Pay attention to this saturation, and feel free to eat smaller portions – you will see, that satiety usually sets in ten minutes after eating, also then, if it wasn't directly noticeable.

They should be mindful of this at all meals, Choose foods that are as low in fat as possible. Normally it is mainly the animal fats, that burden the human organism, and which should be reduced to a minimum. Especially the roast that is used a lot in the kitchen- and spreadable fats are high in cholesterol and high in energy.

High quality vegetable oils (Olive-, Distel- or sunflower oil) are the better alternative for all concerns, in which to use them.

Pay attention to this when preparing food, that they do not use too much salt. Salt is usually already present in large quantities in all types of ready meals and does not need to be added separately; freshly prepared meals can usually be used with fresh herbs or other spices without sacrificing enjoyment. Use in pregnancy (when the body has an increased need for salt) and otherwise always iodized salt.

But salt is not the only thing that should be largely eliminated from your diet, sweets should not be too big a part of a diet plan either. Sugar and fat often go hand in hand in many types of desserts, so that these dishes not only have a possibly immense energy content, but may also contain too few nutrients and vitamins. Sweets are the prototype of the empty calories discussed earlier, which certainly have their meaning, but which should be consumed with care and in moderation.

The drinks are also recommended, typically avoiding sugar-sweetened sodas and soft drinks—typically, a liter of full-sugar soda or cola contains almost 500 calories, which of course is far too much, when using these drinks as regular thirst quenchers. Zum Essen oder als Genussmittel darf man solche Getränke natürlich zu sich nehmen – eine ausgewogene Ernährung soll schließlich nicht genussfeindlich sein, so that individual needs must be taken into account.

Use mineral water or fruit spritzers as the main drinks and supplement them with high-quality fruit rich in vitamins- and vegetable juices.

Choose them for foods like rice, Wholemeal pasta or bread instead of the "white" alternative. Most of the valuable vitamins and minerals are in the pods of rice or grain, and the taste is even more intense. whenever they can, eat whole grains instead of the "normal" alternatives, especially with bread - white bread is not only often provided with a higher fat content, but at the same time less nutritious; so no food, that should be consumed every day.

For this they can turn to vegetables, Let off steam with potatoes and fruit. You should always eat plenty of these three foods, as you like, because the energy, that you take in this way, always accompanied by a diverse vitamin- and nutrient supply. Ideally, every meal in a meal plan should contain fruit or vegetables, that was carefully prepared.

On the subject of careful preparation: one should eat every food as fresh and as unprocessed as possible. Feel free to prepare your meals like this, that they are interesting for your personal taste - but usually refrain from overly complex and, above all, high-energy preparation methods, since particularly natural foods have a high content of vitamins and nutrients.

Fresh food also contains fewer flavor enhancers and artificial flavors than the longer-lasting "out of the bag" variety.. Generally applies: long cooking, preservation or long transportation- and storage times are not conducive to the vitamin content of a food.

If possible, reduce animal protein in your everyday life. This protein is charged, if you take too much of it, Liver and kidneys and is therefore the poorer alternative to the plant-based types of protein. 45 grams for a woman and 55 Grams daily for a man of animal protein are quite enough, to get all the benefits of this type of protein.

Vegetable protein, on the other hand (contained in potatoes, cereals and legumes) does not exhibit such stressful properties and is therefore the higher-quality source of protein.

The main food should always be vegetables, while fish, Meat and egg are only a dietary supplement (which almost completely contradicts the usual assumption).

Don't be discouraged from eating meat occasionally, just pay attention, that few base their meals primarily on meat.

Milk and cheese are also good sources of protein, with which one absorbs calcium at the same time; pay attention to it, that they choose low-fat varieties, to keep your diet balanced.

Divide your food intake into several small meals, that they take throughout the day, ideally about five. A higher number of smaller meals is a good contribution to a healthy diet, since they mean a much lower burden for the organism than the classic "main meal". In this way, you also avoid the midday lull and can have larger energy reserves throughout the day.

Usually drink no less than two liters a day, preferably natural mineral water or fruit spritzers. Coffee and milk are not really drinks! Do not count such liquids in your daily dose, but maybe even increase it a bit for each cup of coffee, because it has a dehydrating effect. The best thing to do is always drink a glass of mineral water with your coffee, the Viennese way – it doesn't just taste good, but is also healthy.

Please note the last golden rule of nutrition: Stimuli are not food. There is nothing wrong with the occasional intake of stimulants, however, one should not make the mistake, to integrate these too closely into the diet - a bar of chocolate can supply them with energy, but not with nutrients. In days, where they consumed a relatively large number of stimulants, Otherwise they should eat a particularly light and vitamin-rich diet, such as fresh fruit or vegetables.