Kohlrabi represents lower climates- and soil claims as cauliflower and head cabbage and can be cultivated in any garden

Kohlrabi represents lower climates- and soil claims as cauliflower and head cabbage and can be cultivated in any garden.

The early kohlrabi is understandably an exception, there mild, warm layers required, when very early harvests are to be achieved. Frosts down to -4°C are tolerated by well hardened young plants. However, with some varieties an increased bolting tendency is to be expected. Light to medium, Easily warmable soils with a high humus content are best suited for kohlrabi. Kohlrabi does not place any special demands on the preceding crop, only types of cabbage should be avoided.

Fresh organic fertilization is not necessary and the nutrient requirement is not quite as high as with other types of cabbage. Half of the required amount of nitrogen is given as a start fertilizer before planting and the other half as a top dressing when the tubers begin to develop.

Depending on the development period, autumn kohlrabi varieties require two to three top dressings, whereby the last gift should not be given later than the beginning of September, if storage of the tubers is planned.

Kohlrabi tolerates a weakly acidic soil reaction, so that only when the pH drops below 6,0 must be limed.



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