Early June to mid-July is the best date for direct sowing outdoors

Early June to mid-July is the best date for direct sowing outdoors.

Earlier sowings as early as May are possible, however, not recommended, because there is danger, that the plants form flowering shoots and shoot. Fennel bulbs should only be cultivated as a secondary crop. You sow in rows, the 30 are up to 40cm apart and require about m2 each 2 g seed. As soon as one or two normal leaves are formed, is separated in the row to 20cm. So as not to take up too much of the bed area, can also be used with plant propagation. In this case, sow mid to late June on outdoor seedbeds. Cultivation takes about 4 weeks, so that it can be planted in mid to late July.

The planting width is 30cm x20cm. One pays attention to it, that the leaves point in the direction of the row of plants and the long roots go straight into the ground. Once the bulbs have reached a diameter of about 5cm, the plants are easy to pile up. This keeps the fennel bulbs more tender and bleaches them better. Before piling up, you give a nitrogen top fertilization. The soil must be kept loose and sufficiently moist at all times, if rapid growth is to be achieved.

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