But how can you ensure that?, that the needs of our body are adequately met, and that our not necessarily strictly physical needs also get their share?
first of all: Scientifically, a craving for chocolate is as much a physical craving as a craving for tomatoes, which can be explained by a lack of important ingredients, found in tomatoes.
We don't feel like doing anything, that we do not need at all – even pregnant women, who have the need as their child grows, to eat sand, must attribute this to a specific deficiency in their body. True, the nutritional value of sand is very low, but it contains matter, who can give this to the body, what he needs - which is why the intake of sand in an extreme physical situation can definitely be a reasonable alternative.
Accordingly, this is exactly when we feel like eating chocolate, if it contains anything, what our body is missing at this moment.
It's the same with cigarettes (which of course cannot be considered healthy at all due to their far too strong negative effects) - they help, to create a more positive and calm mood in the body and represent the simpler alternative for the body compared to self-production of such substances. Smokers crave a cigarette, especially when they are tense – because it can release their tension. Would smoking have no physical effects, it would probably not be the health problem, which it represents today - nobody would probably reach for a cigarette. So, how it is, one must indeed present tobacco as a drug, which even alters consciousness to some extent - we felt tense and excited before the cigarette and more relaxed and better afterwards.
Likewise, we don't feel like eating chocolate or other empty calories for no reason at all. It could be, that the need cannot be explained by a lack of nutrients contained in chocolate - but there is a lack of some kind, and we want to compensate for this by eating.
„Diabetes“, a known chronic disease, also known as "diabetes"., translated means something like "love diarrhea".
A diabetic's body cannot handle the sugar it consumes itself, because his pancreas doesn't produce insulin.
Why is this disease called "love diarrhea"?
This seemingly absurd thought is quickly revealed, when you look, what sugar and fat do to the body.
It has to be explained evolutionarily, that we have a preference for food, the particularly sugar- and be high in fat – for the simple reason, because this preference is supposed to bring us to an increased intake of these substances. In one world, where there is little readily available food (such as during early human history) is it important, that living beings take care of it, get enough sugar and fat, so that your body is at least supplied with energy, that keeps him going.
Because this is in the interest of our body, which has changed little over the past many decades, we gladly eat such foods, which provide us with sugar and fat.
But what is the feeling?, which such foods cause in us? It is, after all, quite different from that, what we describe as "cravings" for a particular food.
Many people, the ones with their sugar- and have difficulty absorbing fat, describe, that they feel "safe"., when they eat these foods. Your body gives you the feeling, that they are safe, when they have enough of these foods available and absorb them - a natural instinct, which should let us make provisions for "bad times"..
But this feeling of security can also be sought by a person, if he is not able to do it himself, find security in other ways.
people, who are socially weak and who may be lonely, are unhappy without a partner or for other reasons, tend to increase the intake of fat and sugar - the security, that they don't feel that way, follow this path.
But it is characteristic of such misguided food preferences, that they compensate for a deficiency, that exists in the social sphere – a person likes to eat chocolate, when he feels lonely, misunderstood or unhappy.
Thus, one can also establish a connection to the term "love diarrhea" - sugar and fat are substances, that give us a feeling of love, perhaps, because they are made with love (maybe they remember their mother's lovingly baked biscuits?), but also, if they were just machine made that way.
It's a human need, lack of social security (because only this can ultimately give us any other security) balanced by the intake of sugar and fat.