Only with a regulated crop rotation can a full cultivation success be ensured for years

Only with a regulated crop rotation can a full cultivation success be ensured for years.

When a vegetable is grown on the same land for several years in a row, yields continue to decline. This phenomenon is known as soil fatigue. The cause is due to this, that each plant species depletes the soil in a specific way, releases certain substances into the soil through the activity of the roots and leaves root remains, which are growth retardant for plants of the same species. In addition, an increased occurrence of certain diseases and pests must be expected due to the accumulation of their pathogens in the soil. These disadvantages can be avoided, if changed annually with the vegetable species, Glutos. h. a specific crop rotation is maintained. In addition, there are certain incompatibility relationships between individual types of vegetables, which must also be taken into account in the annual cultivation plan. You should therefore make a simple sketch of the division or. Make use of the vegetable area. The compatibility relationships of the individual types of vegetables can be seen from the graphic representation on page.

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