Every garden owner should value this, seine zur Verfügung stehende Fläche möglichst intensiv zu nutzen.…
Category: Crop rotation
In addition to the compatibility of the individual types of vegetables with each other, the different demands on the humus supply also play a decisive role when setting up a crop rotation
Neben der Verträglichkeit der einzelnen Gemüsearten untereinander spielen bei der Aufstellung einer Fruchtfolge auch die unterschiedlichen Ansprüche an die Humusversorgung …
To safely avoid crop rotation damage, In addition to the annual change, there are also very specific breaks in cultivation for the individual types of vegetables
To safely avoid crop rotation damage, In addition to the annual change, there are also very specific breaks in cultivation for the individual types of vegetables.
The …
Only with a regulated crop rotation can a full cultivation success be ensured for years
Only with a regulated crop rotation can a full cultivation success be ensured for years.
Wenn eine Gemüseart mehrere Jahre hintereinander …