The yields in the vegetable garden are highest, when the plants find all the nutrients they need

The yields in the vegetable garden are highest, when the plants find all the nutrients they need.

Haupt- or core nutrients are nitrogen, phosphoric acid, potash and lime. Nitrogen is mainly involved in the development of leaf masses, therefore, the cabbages and leafy greens need a lot of this nutrient. Phosphoric acid affects more on the flowers- and fruit setting. Tomatoes therefore have a high phosphoric acid requirement, cucumbers and other fruit vegetables. Kali is involved in the entire structure of the plants and gives them a solid framework. The lime also plays a role. It also promotes soil fermentation, by binding excess acids in the soil. Although each of these substances has to fulfill special tasks in the plant structure, they are only fully effective in harmonious connection. So no one should be missing, otherwise the normal structure of the plant substance is endangered.

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