Clearly, you don't do such a job every day. So ein Schaukelstuhl …
STEN as a changing table
STEN as a room divider
STEN as a TV cabinet
A classic from IKEA, refined four times – Living room furniture from basement shelves
cacti, shrubs, Flowers: You can sow everything yourself
Eucalyptus, Jacaranda or mimosa come from the Australian bush, where devastating fires are common, to destroy all vegetation …
Eucalyptus, Jacaranda or mimosa come from the Australian bush, where devastating fires are common, to destroy all vegetation …
Grown from seed itself – Houseplants, that not everyone has
Do you know the tree of heaven? Or the bird of paradise bush, the leopard flower, the bell tree? These are just a few of the many indoor plant varieties, …
Do you know the tree of heaven? Or the bird of paradise bush, the leopard flower, the bell tree? These are just a few of the many indoor plant varieties, …
This will keep your trees healthy
Before the first severe frosts, fruit trees need protection and care, damit sich keine Schädlinge einnisten und sie im kommenden Jahr …
Before the first severe frosts, fruit trees need protection and care, damit sich keine Schädlinge einnisten und sie im kommenden Jahr …