This will keep your trees healthy

Before the first severe frosts, fruit trees need protection and care, so that no pests nest and they will carry well again in the coming year. So that there will also be a good harvest in the coming year, fruit trees must now be well protected. • Ein Anstrich (s. right) supplies the tree with important trace elements and nutrients and prevents, that … Continue reading “This will keep your trees healthy”

Before the first severe frosts, fruit trees need protection and care, so that no pests nest and they will carry well again in the coming year.

So that there will also be a good harvest in the coming year, fruit trees must now be well protected.
• Ein Anstrich (s. right) supplies the tree with important trace elements and nutrients and prevents, that the bark cracks due to the sharp difference in temperature between day and night. Otherwise, germs could penetrate through the cracks.
• Wo Hasen, Rabbits or deer may come into the garden, the trunks are protected by wire sleeves, because pathogens also penetrate at feeding sites.
• An trockenen Blättern können Insekten im Herbst ihre Eier abgelegt haben. Therefore, remaining foliage is cleanly removed from the tree.
• Auch Fruchtmumien sind ein idealer Überwinterungsort für Insekteneier oder Pilzsporen. Therefore they must also be removed. On this occasion, branches that are already affected are also cut, on which the fruit hung, back to healthy wood.
• Überalterte oder kranke Bäume werden jetzt gerodet, because in spring there is enough else to do. In addition, pathogens and pests can be destroyed in this way, which would otherwise spread to healthy trees.
• Schneelast kann vor allem bei Nadelgehölzen Zweige abbrechen und gefährliche Wunden entstehen lassen. But even with fruit trees, overhanging branches are supported or cut.

You should pay attention to this when walking through the orchard – Gently scrape or brush off any loose pieces of bark, because fruit pests or spores of pathogens overwinter underneath.
Check stakes and tree straps for stability, because they have to withstand stronger storms in winter and spring.
Glue rings are created at the latest at the beginning of winter, so e.g. B. Frost moths do not lay their eggs on the flower buds. Cleanly cut out wounds and fractures and seal with tree wax, so that no pests can get in here.
A porridge can be made from loam or powdered clay and horsetail tea, who lets trees heal. Fresh cow dung can be used as additives, Mix in algae lime or tansy tea. The whole thing is mixed so thinly, that it can be brushed or sprayed, or it is applied thickly as a pack.

The ground under trees: care tips
• Wasser ist für Obstbäume im Spätherbst und Winter wichtig, because they now consume more than half of the annual requirement.
• Dünger bekommen die Bäume ebenfalls (after a soil test) in these weeks. Best from the end of November on medium to heavy soils, on light from mid-December.
• Bodenlockerung erfolgt nach dem Wässern und Düngen. The open tree disc becomes about 10 Because the MachArt system also comes in different sizes (so that no roots are damaged) worked through with the cultivator.
• Die Mulchschicht auf der Baumscheibe wird entfernt, so that no mice nest there.

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