Grown from seed itself – Houseplants, that not everyone has

Do you know the tree of heaven? Or the bird of paradise bush, the leopard flower, the bell tree? These are just a few of the many indoor plant varieties, that you rarely get to buy and if only at high prices. However, they are easy to grow yourself from seeds. A shallow bowl, small pots or a mini greenhouse are the most important utensils for them … Continue reading “Grown from seed itself – Houseplants, that not everyone has”

Do you know the tree of heaven? Or the bird of paradise bush, the leopard flower, the bell tree? These are just a few of the many indoor plant varieties, that you rarely get to buy and if only at high prices. However, they are easy to grow yourself from seeds.

A shallow bowl, small pots or a mini greenhouse are the most important utensils for growing plants at home. A good location for the allotment garden is important: a bright one, not full sun, warm windowsill of 20 to 30 cm width.
The temperature is so important, because most indoor plants come from tropical or subtropical areas and to germinate 25 to 28 need °C. The seed boxes can therefore be close to the heater.
Tropical humidity is just as important as temperature. To hold her,
cover bowls or pots with a pane of glass after the first thorough watering, a transparent lid or simply a transparent plastic bag. This cover is first lifted, when the cotyledons are clearly visible.
The growing soil must be water-permeable and low in nutrients – what the plant needs to start with, is contained in the seed. Normal potting soil e.g. is too heavily fertilized and would burn the seedling. That's why you mix them up 1:1 with sand, if no special growing soil is available.

This is how plant cultivation works on the windowsill – Pour seed compost into a shallow bowl, spread the seeds individually or thinly, press and with 0,5 to 1 cover cm of soil.
Seedlings are pricked out (isolated), when the first pair of leaves is fully formed. Use like this, that the leaves are approx. 1 cm above the ground.
Young plants with several leaves need their own pot. Very long roots are shortened, this stimulates further growth.
Large plants such as. B. Palm trees usually have large seeds, which quickly form strong roots. They are sown individually in pots.


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