How to read encrypted price labels ?

Sometimes when shopping, you discover mysterious signs on the packaging. Usually the trader's secret code consists of letters, who tell him the price or the age of the goods. For the merchant, the number is not difficult to read, because he knows the "key"; he chose a name or some word, in which each letter occurs only once, and gave each letter a number. For example like this:

Gunther Wolf
1234567 890.

With this code, "tfow" would 4.98 or DM 4,98 mean. That can be the price, which the merchant had to pay himself, and so he knows, that he has to sell at a higher price, to make a profit. Maybe a pack is also labeled that way: ünfefrn, which means translated: 23. 6. 73. The date tells the merchant, when he bought his goods. This method is not new. Even the ancient Greeks and Hebrews used letters instead of numbers.

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