For the earliest cultivation, potted or at least pricked plants with strong roots are essential

For the earliest cultivation, potted or at least pricked plants with strong roots are essential.

As a rule, one will have to rely on the purchase of ready-made young plants, because sowing has to take place in January and thus requires a heatable greenhouse. Late February to early March can start planting in packed cold frames and small greenhouses, be started under foil tents from the second decade of March. Depending on the weather, it takes time from planting to harvest 6 to 8 weeks, so that harvestable kohlrabi can be expected at the end of April/beginning of May. In climatically favorable areas, planting outdoors will begin in mid-March, protection by plastic hoods is recommended. Early kohlrabi is also suitable for temporary covering with perforated foil, resulting in an early harvest of at least 8 to 10 days becomes possible. slide with 500 to 600 holes/m2 can 3 to 4 remain on the plants for weeks.

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