Widened window sills are being created more and more frequently in our new apartments, on which different sized plants with different growth forms can be arranged. They offer e.g. our indoor plants in hydroponic pots or foliar clusters- or flowering plants in bowls favorable locations for growth. The skilful grouping of the plants is always decisive for the impression of such plant combinations. On the windowsills as well as on the plant stools and tables, -tubs and cribs, it doesn't matter, accommodate as many plants as possible, but to put together a few plants as harmoniously as possible! This also applies to the closed plant windows, which unfortunately are still too seldom planned and implemented in new buildings, which can be heated separately and additionally illuminated. They are separated from the mostly dry air of the adjacent room and thus offer indoor plants good growth conditions. Therefore, more demanding ornamental plants can also be kept here permanently, such as the interesting ones, representative of the tropical flora. One likes to use epiphyte stems in a size adapted to the dimensions of the window as a focal point in the plant windows. If it is south facing, .then natural combinations of cacti and succulents are also suitable for such windows. There are already good examples of the design of such plant windows in many places. Also the plant showcases, in the form of more or less large boxes with glass walls, provide favorable growing conditions for sensitive indoor plants. You have the advantage, that you can place them in the middle of the room, being delightful, achieve space-dividing effects. Of course, the showcase must then be artificially illuminated. Tube lights as a side light for viewing the plant treasures are the cheapest. In addition, the showcases are artificially ventilated and electrically heated.
Widened window sills are being created more and more frequently in our new apartments, on which different sized plants with different growth forms can be arranged. They offer e.g. our indoor plants in hydroponic pots or foliar clusters- or flowering plants in bowls favorable locations for growth. The skilful grouping of the plants is always decisive for the impression of such plant combinations. Bei den Fensterbänken … Continue reading “HOUSE PLANTS THEN AND NOW”