The composting area is a very favorable location for the squash.
Month: August 2017
vegetables- and pumpkins are not grown in the field before 10. May sown, because they are very sensitive to frost
vegetables- and pumpkins are not grown in the field before 10. May sown, because they are very sensitive to frost.
Der Boden muß …
Pumpkin makes less demands on soil and climate than cucumber and can be cultivated in any garden without major difficulties
Kürbis stellt an Boden und Klima geringere Ansprüche als die Gurke und läßt sich ohne größere Schwierigkeiten in jedem Garten …
There are essentially two types of pumpkin in cultivation, the edible squash and the vegetable squash
There are essentially two types of pumpkin in cultivation, the edible squash and the vegetable squash.
Zum Speisekürbis zählen die Sorten …
Slug damage to lettuce can be prevented by laying out bait in good time
Slug damage to lettuce can be prevented by laying out bait in good time.
Since lettuce beds must always be kept wet, finden …
In periods of heat, lettuce suffers from aphids, if not enough water is provided
In periods of heat, lettuce suffers from aphids, if not enough water is provided.
Die Blattläuse nisten sich zwischen den dicht …
The worst enemies of the lettuce are the click beetle larvae, called wireworms
The worst enemies of the lettuce are the click beetle larvae, called wireworms.
Für Salat haben die Drahtwürmer eine …
in strict, winters with little snow, winter lettuce freezes heavily, if not protected against winter sun
in strict, winters with little snow, winter lettuce freezes heavily, if not protected against winter sun.
Barfrost makes the winter salad very good …