Bei einer Loggia wirkt die freie Fläche über der Balkonbrüstung bis hinauf zum nächsten Balkon …
Concrete floor in mica look
With the coating system from Coelan you kill two birds with one stone. Sie schaffen eine ansehnliche Oberfläche und machen sie …
Balcony parquet in color
I guess there is nobody, who would be content with a gray concrete floor in the living room. So why on the balcony?? she …
Folding furniture to buy
Just browse through the hardware stores and the garden departments of department stores and take a look at the department store catalogs, …
A balcony shelf like a locksmith
She's doing something: a balcony shelf made of stainless steel. But we don't want to fool you: What you see on the right, is …
Bench with rainproof cushion compartment
If the clouds allow it, that you stay a little longer in the sun on the balcony, would have …
Twice as good: Tray as a table
You need a tray anyway, so that you don't have to carry your coffee dishes individually from the kitchen to the balcony. Lassen Sie …
Practical suggestions for your balcony
Every day on the balcony is like a little vacation. Of course, the weather has to play along. Und ein bißchen Komfort kann …