Balcony parquet in color

I guess there is nobody, who would be content with a gray concrete floor in the living room. So why on the balcony?? You can definitely color the floor (s. example below). Or you can z. B. lay out a kind of parquet. Of course not the sensitive material for indoor use, but boards or tiles made of garden wood. You don't like the brown or later gray of the weathered wood? no problem! Then simply grab the brush and paint the wood over in colour.

1 Mit Mut zur Farbe wurde dieser Holzboden blau lackiert. A nice contrast to white balcony furniture.
2 Ein lebendiges Muster: The joints of wooden tiles appear even more clearly in white than in the natural wood colour.
3 Klassisch elegant: Laid in even strips and painted plain white, this floor fits on every balcony.