As soon as the soil is frost-free and workable in spring, sowing can begin

As soon as the soil is frost-free and workable in spring, sowing can begin.

Under favorable conditions, this will be possible from around the beginning of March to mid-March. Only peas should be used for this early appointment. Sweet peas can get into the ground in the second half of March, while the sensitive marker peas should usually not be sown before mid-April, because their seeds only germinate at soil temperatures of + 8 ° C. In principle, sowing after the end of April is possible, however, bring much lower yields and therefore make little sense. If you want to harvest green peas over a longer period of time, should be from March to April at intervals of 14 Days to 3 Carry out subsequent sowing for weeks and use at least two varieties with different ripening times for the last sowing. However, dressing must not be forgotten before sowing. Above all, it prevents the occurrence of so-called foot diseases (Fusarium) and focal spots.

The seed requirement is depending on the grain size 20 to 25 g / m² with a row spacing of 25 to 30 cm. In the row the seeds should be spaced apart 3 received up to 5cm. Peas need to be laid that deep, that they are about 4 to 5cm are covered with earth. It is beneficial for harvesting work, sowing in double rows, d.h. after two 25 Rows spaced cm apart are followed by a space of about 50 cm, which will later be used as a harvest route.

The beds are protected against pigeons by covering them with thread or thin string. Old nets or curtains can also be used quite well.

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