From guide to pitfall

who listen to the radio, vacuum or just want to make a phone call, usually have to read first. And rarely gets smarter. Instruction manuals are often more of a source of confusion. We checked them out.

The charger is unlike most other chargers, that are available in the market. Its use is absolutely safe, if you handle it exactly according to the instructions. There is a risk of misuse or improper use, receive an electric shock.”

A strong threat: Who likes to risk their life when charging the battery or blow-drying their hair. This is how they rule our lives, the instruction manuals. And they often drive us to the brink of a nervous breakdown with their technical jargon.

Only my friend Sven has the problem under control: "Stop thinking. Logical thinking especially. Dumbly and stupidly do exactly that, what the instructions tell you.”

Na gut, Let's try it with the mobile phone: “Turn the instruments of the Chantmaster to the ON position. A nice singing style will bow the other part up’ for telephone1 of hearing their secret conversation."

understood? Then we are now ready for the "five-arm operation" of our new bedtime clock: “Press the real time button and press the fast time button at the same time. Press the slow time button. Release two buttons, hold one.”

Who could follow up to here, will have no troubles even with the table clock: “Then press S1 bend orwunichie Zehi archaini. If everything is correct, ruche S2 to Slunuen and Mirunan with blinding Coppalpunki ar-schetuen.

Around 80 percent of consumers feel annoyed or even tricked by instructions for use, Das ergab eine Umfrage. Around 70 Percent use only part of the possibilities in an appropriate way, especially with technical devices, because they don't understand the instructions and give up halfway.

The Society for Technical Communication (during the course) in Stuttgart checked user manuals for comfort telephones and determined, that not even the best specimens 70 Pro-, cent of the minimum requirements in terms of comprehensibility, handling and usability. And the Stiftung Warentest also complains about defects in more than half of the cases.

On the other hand, there are potential uses, of which you can not buy . once dared to dream. Even for just under 70 Mark has a currency crisis triggered: "Unroll the Puff pads and lie on top of her, then it will inflate itself from the heat, get tion" (air mattress).

The fall of the incumbent government is somewhat more costly: “Put the stereo headphone to in carriage winch, the power is on, otherwise the power is gone" (Hifi).

The descriptions of the products in brochures or on the packaging can keep up in terms of logic: “The special design avoids, that seams tear, whereby the service life is increased and economic consumption is achieved. The suit is designed that way, that the hood turns with the head.” The request testifies to an intimate knowledge of everyday life and a realistic assessment of young people: “Parents should encourage their children to use video- and supervise computer games.” The notice for lawn mowers, “not for youngsters under 16 suitable for years", would result, that