How big are the puppies when they are born?

Suddenly the first boy is there. It is still connected to its mother by the umbilical cord, which is bitten through by the wolf a little later. The little one makes quiet whining noises for the first time. It looks like a small one, wet, black sausage with a big round head, four tiny legs and one thin one … Continue reading “How big are the puppies when they are born?”

Suddenly the first boy is there. It is still connected to its mother by the umbilical cord, which is bitten through by the wolf a little later. The little one makes quiet whining noises for the first time. It looks like a small one, wet, black sausage with a big round head, four tiny legs and a thin tail. The eyes are still tightly closed and the ears are barely recognizable, they are so tiny. The puppy only weighs a few hundred grams. he is so small, that his mother's tongue almost completely covers him, if she licks him dry now. The little one immediately starts with the head- and swinging over and opening that mouth, which was huge for such a small sausage. It is already looking for the first free teat, to drink hungry.
In the meantime, after a few minutes, is already the second and soon the third, the fourth, the fifth and maybe a sixth puppy there. With each pup, the she-wolf bites off the umbilical cord immediately after birth and begins, to lick him dry. Then she lies on her side and helps one or the other a little with her snout, so that soon all the puppies are sucking on a teat and not letting go so easily. The puppies quickly understood the most important thing in this first part of their young lives: In the still dense fur of the Mutier it is warm and, when sucking vigorously on a teat, you get fed up.
The well-designed wolf's cave is protected from insight and water ingress and is kept scrupulously clean by the Wölpn.