Install wall coverings – Profiled wood and panels

Profiled wood offers the most diverse possibilities for designing rooms as wall and ceiling cladding. One of the advantages of profiled timber and panels is fact, that they can also be applied to damaged substrates. A batten (Dachlatten, shelf slats, Resthölzer) is screwed to the wall or ceiling and can also compensate for unevenness. The gaps are used for rear ventilation and can … Continue reading “Install wall coverings – Profiled wood and panels”

Profiled wood offers the most diverse possibilities for designing rooms as wall and ceiling cladding.

One of the advantages of profiled timber and panels is fact, that they can also be applied to damaged substrates. A batten (Dachlatten, shelf slats, Resthölzer) is screwed to the wall or ceiling and can also compensate for unevenness. The gaps are used for rear ventilation and can accommodate an additional layer of insulation.

This is how profiles are professionally attached
It is attached by nailing or stapling in the groove or by using profile wooden claws. The boards are attached, by a sheet metal bar of the claw engaging in the groove. Only the first board is attached with fine nail tacks. Profiled wood can also be screwed on in this way, that the screw heads remain visible. You use lenses- or round head brass screws.

Invisible attachment
The profile boards made of solid wood with tongue and groove or the veneered or. Plastic-coated panel elements are invisibly attached to the slats with special clips. These grip over the bottom lip of the groove.
The slats of the substructure are placed at a maximum distance of 50 cm attached. To save yourself the hassle of transferring the drill hole from the batten to the masonry, choose through-hole mounting for this. You drill through the batten into the masonry, removes the bar, drills again to the actual depth and can then push the dowel through the wooden slat into the dowel hole, which also fixes the slat at the same time. It's also an easy one, to do the remaining drilling.
Nailed dowels can be used on very solid substrates such as concrete or solid stone. These are inserted directly through the hole in the slat into the dowel hole. As soon as the dowel neck is flush with the batten, the nail is driven in with a hammer.

Deposit before work
Solid wood profiles should always be adapted to the room climate. You will be unpacked, initially left bundled, fixed at the ends with masking tape and left for a few days. This will dry the boards, but cannot warp or twist. Attention: In new buildings, the room humidity is often still very high, so that the wood absorbs additional moisture. The new building should therefore be dry before assembly. Untreated profile wood can be painted before assembly. It makes sense for wet rooms, to paint the wood from the back as well, to prevent rot.

One thought on “Install wall coverings – Profiled wood and panels”

  1. Danke für die Tipps zum Neubauen! Mein Mann und sein Freund Max, dessen Haus neben uns liegt, haben Profilhälzer beim Bauen einer Garage ausgenutzt. Als zweiter Schritt kam ein schönes Garagentor dazu Das erfasste endlich den Neubau visuell im ganzen Bild. Mir und Irma gefällt dieses Meisterwerk von den beiden:) Wie begeistert sind sie selbst!

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