Wheels for every use

Whether large wheels or tiny rollers, with them everything can be set in motion. We'll show you the rolling variety and give you assembly tips.

If you table every now and then, armchair, Want to move bed or other furniture, then wheels are an indispensable tool, with which you can make your work easier! Furniture wheels are usually made of wood, Metal and plastic in different combinations and designs. Starting with the all-plastic wheel through wheels with full rubber tires with plastic, Steel or spoke rims through to disc wheels with pneumatic tires. There is a suitable bike for every application. Which, however, is the right one, decide the weight, that should be moved, the surface on which it rolls and of course its appearance.

Devices are used for heavy weights- or heavy duty wheels, which can withstand high loads due to their sturdy construction. The subsurface is just as important: Wheels with a soft tread roll better on a hard floor such as parquet or laminate, The wheels must be hard on soft floors such as carpets. Do you want to move something outside over lawns and pavement slabs?, you should use fully pneumatic tires- or choose spoked wheels.

If you want to put castors under your furniture, should think carefully beforehand, whether Lenk- or fixed castors (rigidly connected to the furniture), single or double barrel must be used. Is the base of the piece of furniture smaller than 40 x 40 cm, so it seldom makes sense, use four swivel castors. Because furniture with a small footprint can also be great with two Lenk- and maneuver two trestle castles. Also, one should consider, that swivel castors are more expensive than fixed castors. Swivel castors also make little sense in drawers or bed base boxes, since these only run in one direction anyway, So should behave in a track-stable manner. And then there are the double-barreled roles, which have proven themselves particularly with stiff furniture. Thereby, that the two rollers move at different speeds when the furniture rotates, namely, the ground friction is reduced.