The more versatile, the better – this also applies to a piece of furniture. Our design is useful as a staircase, practical as a chest of drawers and mobile as a vehicle. Well yelled, little lion!
The ancient Greeks showed us how: After they couldn't get Troy under control despite repeated attempts, they tried a really simple trick. The Trojan horse with its hollow belly then promptly solved their problem! Many children like Lilly (and their parents) it's similar. After they couldn't get their children's room under control despite repeated attempts, could you try a trick?. The do-it-yourself lion with its hollow belly will then promptly solve your problem!
The rollable staircase dresser 12 mm MDF dick (Medium density fibreboard) makes life in the children's room easier: It moves the upper levels of cupboards and shelves within reach, and serves the plush big cats as a training platform and kennel (location). You can choose from a lion and a dog with floppy ears as motifs. The construction time is about five to six hours.
Have the components cut to size at the hardware store. exception: The
3 cm narrow strip on the tailgate. For security reasons, they will not be sawn to you. So either buy a larger piece and cut it yourself with a jigsaw and side stop. Or you take one 3 cm wide pine wood strip.
And one more safety note: Mount under that 5 mm protruding lid for two to three shelf supports on the body, to prevent the panels from tipping when stepped on. Especially when small children, climbing the stairs, stepping too far forward or to the side, the lid could lift unintentionally. Another possibility: Don't let the lid protrude, but close flush.
It doesn't look that good anymore, but it is definitely non-tipping!
The second staircase, that we have designed for you, is formally a bit simpler than the lion. But it is made of very beautiful 1,5 cm thick birch plywood. This is some kind of plywood, which is glued from more thin layers of veneer with the same thickness as ordinary plywood. This model also differs significantly from the lion's staircase in the gluing technique. The multiplex staircase has to be dowelled additionally! So that the dowelling works well, use either a dowel marker or a dowel aid, such as the universal dowel set from Wolfcraft.