We have an old half-timbered house. The living room ceiling is crossed by two visible beams, which we would like to use for the installation of indirect lighting with spotlights. Can you give us suggestions, asks our reader. It is not that easy without knowing the location, To give you some advice. First of all: For indirect lighting … Continue reading “INDIRECT LIGHTING ON THE BEAM CEILING”

INDIRECT LIGHTING ON THE BEAM CEILINGWe have an old half-timbered house.
The living room ceiling is crossed by two visible beams, which we would like to use for the installation of indirect lighting with spotlights. Can you give us suggestions, asks our reader.

It is not that easy without knowing the location, To give you some advice.
First of all: Spotlights are extremely unsuitable for indirect lighting, but fluorescent tubes or Linestra lamps, which, due to their shape, can easily be hidden behind panels, are ideal. Linestra Lamps, that work like normal light bulbs (with filament and two plug contacts), can also be regulated with simple dimmers. You have to pay attention to this because of the relatively high heat generation, that there is sufficient distance to flammable materials such as wallpaper and wood, as the heat builds up under the ceiling and can reach critical temperatures. Fluorescent tubes produce comparatively little heat, are energy saving, adjustable with special dimmers and today also available in one light color, among other things, which corresponds to the light of lightbulbs (hue 827).