This framework is impressive

When gilding the mirror frame, proceed in the same way as with the wooden chandeliers. If you have never processed the sensitive metal leaf, you should try your talent on a profile bar. The wafer-thin leaves tear easily and are difficult to apply smoothly. But wrinkled, folded or applied in several layers, increases the excitement. When processing you should dry, care for grease-free hands, otherwise you'll quickly have Goldfinger. With a little instinct and the right brushes it works.

1 Der Holzrahmen wird zunächst gründlich gesäubert, damaged areas are repaired. Then apply the application milk evenly.

2 Das Schlagmetall, of which you need about ten sheets, (25 sheet approx 12 Euro) is done very carefully with a watercolor brush (or another soft brush) pressed onto the just damp frame. Should you get into the application milk with the brush, wash it immediately in white spirit and squeeze it out.

3 Vorsichtig wird jetzt der fast trockene Rahmen mit einem weichen, rubbed off with a clean rag, to remove the excess metal. If the decorative metal shifts or comes off when you rub it with the cloth, the frame is not dry enough yet.

4 Auf jeden Fall sollten Sie den Rahmen mindestens 24 leave to dry for hours, before doing his final coat of clear coat (Dulux gloss clear coat) receives.