Where snails lose their appetite

Don't fret about it any longer, that snails have once again left none of your favorite flowers. There are colorful alternatives: It turned out, that the uninvited eaters avoid some plants. The "SchneckResist" seed program has now emerged from many years of observations on different soils and in different areas of Germany, which will be offered again this spring. With 30 different varieties, it offers a lot of choice for beds and flower boxes. A guarantee for that, that the plants remain unshorn, of course nobody can give. In recent years, new species of snails with different preferences have appeared again and again. With the right choice of variety, however, your summer will be beautifully colourful.

Who wants to find out before sowing or planting, how endangered individual garden plants are, Information on this can be found on the Internet at www.worm-info.de

& Spray against blackberry mites

The mites prevent the fruit from ripening. Spray with wetted sulfur, when the young shoots 30 to 40 are cm long, when the inflorescences are discernible and for the last time into the open flower.

& Carrot flies on parsley So that the flies don't lay their eggs on freshly sprouted plants and cause them to die, cover the seed with insect netting or close-meshed curtains.

& Ward off snails at an early stage Now sprinkle slug pellets, to curb animal proliferation, for example Limex from Celaflor.

The new irrigation computer C works without a power connection or battery 1060 professional/solar. High-performance solar cells supply it with energy and charge the battery buffer, so that he can also work on cloudy days. Up to six irrigation lines can be controlled automatically with the computer. The connection for an electronic rain sensor or a soil moisture meter is practical: You stop the watering, when it rains or the ground is wet enough.

Fixed paths in the vegetable garden

A solid floor covering between the beds is pleasant, to be able to harvest lettuce or herbs with dry feet even in damp weather and to suppress weeds. It germinates quickly in open spaces and spreads to the beds, so the constant hacking of the paths takes a lot of effort. Roller shelves made of pressure-impregnated wood are very practical, which are placed directly on the ground. Be sure to, that no voids between wood and

stay earth, because that's where snails like to withdraw during the day. 2-m-Rolle, 29 cm wide 24,99 Euro,

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