Fresh green

Fresh green
The lawn needs a jump start now
You can take care of that with a little spring treatment, that your lawn will soon be dense and strong again. Scarifying and fertilizing get it going again.

Snow and persistent humidity have caused this during the winter, that a felt of dead stalks and moss has developed between the grasses, who can hardly breathe, allows water and nutrients to reach the roots. It must be thoroughly removed. When the lawn has already grown back, mow him up 2 to 3 cm down and then scarify. It is sufficient for less matted lawns, not to work through the surface in any direction, Also comb through more heavily matted hair.

Depending on the condition of the ground, the scarifier will open 0,5 up to max 2 cm depth set. Der herausgekämmte Rasenfilz sammelt sich zum größten Teil im Grasfangkorb. Then rake out the rest with the rake. After these organic residues have dried a bit, they can be composted.

With a starter fertiliser, you can now supply the grass with all the nutrients, which they need for a vigorous budding. Always use a spreader for spreading, because this is the only way to really distribute the fertilizer evenly. The strips that have already been spread are clearly visible on the area, which is quite bare after scarifying. After this treatment, the lawn will soon be dense and lush green again. The initial fertilization is sufficient for several months. Only in midsummer does it have to be fertilized again. Only use lawn fertilizer. In contrast to universal fertilizers, the nutrients in it are composed in this way, that they strengthen the grasses, but not lead to increased growth in length.