Stable wooden stairs vol. 3

Stairs with more than five steps need a railing. This is stated in many local building codes, which your responsible building authority can provide you with information about. But a handrail makes sense as a stair safety device from as little as three steps. The height of the handrail is important: At least she has to 90 cm (Measured perpendicularly between step and handrail) be. Where small … Continue reading “Stable wooden stairs vol. 3”

Stable wooden stairs 3Stairs with more than five steps need a railing. This is stated in many local building codes, which your responsible building authority can provide you with information about. But a handrail makes sense as a stair safety device from as little as three steps. The height of the handrail is important: At least she has to 90 cm (Measured perpendicularly between step and handrail) be. Where small children live, are supposed to have stairs with more than 150 cm fall height over railing rungs with max 12 cm distance. This is also recommended for lower stairs. Avoid horizontal bars: They only tempt you to climb!

1 Messen Sie die Positionen für die Podest-/Gelän-derstützen ein und heben Sie sie etwa 80 cm deep.

2 Setzen Sie Estrichbeton (for example from Quickmix) earth-moist in a ratio of about three parts concrete to one part water.

3 Dann füllen Sie die Fundamentlöcher damit und setzen die Pfostenschuhe ein.

4 Ein provisorisch befestigtes Brett und eine Wasserwaage helfen je Ebene beim waagerechten Ausrichten der Pfostenschuhe.

5 Mit einem Richtscheit lässt sich der Höhenunterschied vom Podest bis zum Boden vor der Treppe übertragen, to determine the number and height of the steps.

6 Damit die Treppe rechtwinklig zum Haus führt, the post shoes of the platform must also be precisely aligned laterally. Use a squared timber to take the gauge.

7 Am Haus werden Schwerlastwinkel mit Injektionsdübeln und Gewindebolzen als Tragbalkenlager montiert.

8 Exakt in Höhe und Waage ausgerichtet, the crossbeam of the pedestal, which runs parallel to the house, is screwed to the posts, as are the supporting beams, with carriage bolts and nuts that have been bolted through.

9 Im Bereich der Haustür wird der Balkenkopf in Form der Solbank ausgespart.

10 Zum Aufsatteln der Stufenbretter sägen Sie rechtwinklige Dreiecke im Maß 16 (step height) x 28,5 (step depth) x 32,5 cm from.

11 Anschließend mit PU-Leim auf die Treppenwangen leimen und mit Zwinge, Holzklotz, interleaved paper and a wood screw.

12 Den untersten „Sattel“ zusätzlich von unten mit einer Schraube sichern.

13 Die Treppenwangen werden an die Pfosten montiert, again with carriage bolts.

14 Die Stufen einfach mit je zwei Schrauben an beiden Enden befestigen.

15 + 16 At intervals of approx 1 cm, the "planks" of the platform are screwed onto the supporting beams. Use the jigsaw for notches.

A Pressure treated horticultural lumber is well protected from pest infestation and weathering. However, the impregnation did not penetrate the wood, therefore have to…

B … all cut surfaces, that arise when the components are sawn to size, treated with a wood preservative.

C Particular dangers threaten the wood due to soil moisture. Therefore, posts should not be buried, but better set up with concreted post shoes. This keeps the wood above the ground. This should be avoided, that the post hits the bottom of the post shoe all the way.

called KDI for short, makes garden wood durable. In a closed system (in the vacuum process) Salts are pressed into the wood under pressure as a protective agent.
The impregnation can no longer be washed out after fixing and provides preventive protection against the effects of the weather, insects, wood-destroying fungi and soft rot. LOCK BOLTS Mostly available in galvanized quality and for outdoor use in stainless steel, they are ideal for bolting horticultural timber: After pushing through the screw shank, the square can be hammered into the wood below the head, which effectively prevents the screw from turning when the fastening nut is tightened on the opposite side. In hardware stores, the screws are usually in lengths of 20 to 120 mm available. In some catalogs they are called "pan-head screws with square insert".