Long-day plants are native to our latitudes. In addition to grain and many other useful plants, these include the many beautiful summer-flowering plants in our gardens. An artificial flowering trigger in houseplants through the "long-day effect", in addition 14 to 18 Hours of daily exposure to light are required, is not in horticultural practice, common. Ein plötzlicher Wechsel vom Hellen ins DunkleContinue reading “The light – THE LIFE REQUIREMENTS OF HOUSE PLANTS”

Long-day plants are native to our latitudes. In addition to grain and many other useful plants, these include the many beautiful summer-flowering plants in our gardens. An artificial flowering trigger in houseplants through the "long-day effect", in addition 14 to 18 Hours of daily exposure to light are required, is not in horticultural practice, common.

Most plants cannot tolerate a sudden change from light to dark or vice versa. So should e.g. B. also specimens, which stood in the back of the room during the winter, to protect them from the cold, and which are put back to the window in the spring, get some shade first, so that the leaves or shoots formed in the dim light do not “burn”. On the other hand, one should not shy away from the effort, Houseplants, which do not tolerate intensive exposure and are sensitive to high temperatures, in the summer months with south-facing windows somewhat in the background of the room, placed in a window with less intense sunlight or in a semi-shaded place outdoors. For the winter, however, the principle applies, that the brightest location is just bright enough for all of our indoor plants!

Because of the importance of light as an indispensable factor for our indoor plants to thrive, the following plant descriptions refer to the special requirements of the individual plant species in terms of lighting conditions. In addition, the reader can also search the overviews on the pages 200 to 202 select such crops, which are best suited to the lighting conditions prevailing in his rooms.