caution: robot in the house – My life with the RoboCleaner

Who still wants to, if there is a robot, who can do that too? Used him – an experience report from everyday life.

The dream of every housewife and husband has come true: The brownies are back. Only today they come from Kärcher's electronics laboratory, can only vacuum and have names and designs like in the movie "Star Wars": „RoboCleaner RC 3000“, no flying, a rolling saucer the size of a pizza. We added a robot to the house and have been wondering ever since: Can we do justice to the demands of this household help at all?

The manual gives clear instructions: "Clear before using the RC 3000 same up, as if you were vacuuming. Don't leave loose objects on the floor.” The same probably applies to the newspaper, for toys or the dog blanket, Things, which are otherwise picked up when vacuuming. But our Robbi wants to, that such profane everyday things do not bother his circles - and never again. We follow with interest, where randomness drives him in our living room – and frantically grab toys from us, while Robbi wants to mount a stuffed animal, then turns back, crumples up the blanket and drives underneath, spins, finds no way out… Is this all our fault?, we're too sloppy for a robot?

New trial – now the room is tidier than it has been since we moved in, the dog has gone away. Robbi is busy on his way, criss-cross, ticks furniture and walls gently, takes every chair leg with it, rotates after the obstacle contact for so long, until he has a clear path, and sucks… Because it's round, he also rounds the corners like a bad cleaning lady. But otherwise he does everything perfectly: carpet, Floorboards, Tiles, all without scratches. Sometimes we still have to free him: He gets stuck under the ribs of the heater, he caught the blind cord and a stocking too. Pulling it out of Robbi's brush doesn't take half as long as the discussion, why the stocking was lying there.

In the meantime we leave the house confidently, when Robbi sucks. Because he's not alone. It constantly communicates with the base station via infrared, which charges his batteries and removes the dust from him. Both are associated with noise: Compared to Robbi's constant hum, this half-minute process is a rich roar. The manual advises, set the "quiet mode" function, for example "when present". We then choose the other button: "Out of".