Weeds, who have already set seeds, must be composted in a special heap

Weeds, who have already set seeds, must be composted in a special heap.

Since weed seeds retain their germination power for 3-5 years, he could come back to the country with the finished compost and infest it heavily with weeds. This is prevented, by placing all seeded weeds in a special pile. However, this must be implemented at least four times in the summer, taking that into account, what was said in tending the compost heap. In this way, the weed seeds lying on the outer surfaces germinate and perish the next time they are transplanted. In addition, the weeds that have appeared on this heap in the meantime must be removed by hoeing. You work the pile around for so long, until there are no more weeds worth mentioning. In this way, a usable compost can also be obtained from weeds infested with seeds.

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