How are the older puppies fed?

The patience of the wolves with their cubs is only initially limitless. Bald schon flüchten sie

The patience of the wolves with their cubs is only initially limitless. Bald schon flüchten sie

When do the puppies open their eyes?

The behavior of the puppies only changes a little at the age of ten days. Sie sind jetzt schon doppelt so

The behavior of the puppies only changes a little at the age of ten days. Sie sind jetzt schon doppelt so

What happens just before birth?

A few days before the birth, it is hardly recognizable, that the wolf is pregnant. Sie ist so schnell

A few days before the birth, it is hardly recognizable, that the wolf is pregnant. Sie ist so schnell

How do wolves mark their territory?

With prey like moose, Deer or roe deer is still the territory size of a wolf pack 100 to 200 Square kilometre – the …

With prey like moose, Deer or roe deer is still the territory size of a wolf pack 100 to 200 Square kilometre – the …