1 Zuerst kommt Wasser in den Gipsbecher – never vice versa! – namely about a third of the filling level, otherwise the cup will be too full, to mix the plaster without making a mess.
2 Nun wird nach und nach Gips in das Wasser eingestreut. The powder should sink into the water and already suck water. If you put a large amount in the water at once, some of the gypsum might not come into contact with water, resulting in lumps.
3 Es wird so lange Gips eingestreut, until it is evenly close to the water surface or forms a small island, around which there is still some water (Photo). In this way the mixture will stand for a short time, so that the gypsum “soaks up” completely.
4 Danach wird die Masse mit einem schmalen Spachtel zu einer geschmeidigen, kneaded to a doughy consistency. The plaster is now ready to use and can be processed for around ten minutes.