Sideboard made of acrylic glass blocks Shining example

A sideboard with lighting creates a lot of atmosphere and is very light in construction.
With the plug-in system made of acrylic glass building blocks, anyone can now do it.

Glasbaustein – that used to mean dirt, mortar and trowel. So far. Because now it's easy and mess-free – with the X-Block stones made of acrylic glass. A few months ago we presented the new technology to you here. But the almost unlimited possibilities, the system with its 20 x 20 cm large transparent stones, didn't let us rest. So here is a creative use of the colorful "Lego bricks".,

Hand tools are only required to shorten the all-round frame profiles. The connection technology of the building blocks is based on the tongue and groove principle: Each two adjacent sides are with a groove, the other two equipped with a spring. The building blocks are both with each other and with the frame profiles, which also have tongue and groove, pluggable.

Die X- Block – Acrylic glass building blocks are now part of the range of many hardware stores.


The acrylic glass blocks have a groove on two adjacent sides and a tongue on the other two side edges. This is how you can put the X-Block stones together without tools.
Rubber sealing profiles are placed between the stones, in the longitudinal direction the approximately 4,2 m long profile strips, which can be shortened with a cutter knife if necessary. In height come about 20 cm long profile sections are used.
Finally, the frame profiles are closed with corner connectors.

And that's how it's done.

1 Die Aussparungen für die Lüftungsgitter mit einer Elektrostichsäge aussägen. For perfect corners, pre-drill with a 10mm wood drill bit, and you start sawing at a hole.

2 Mit Holzleim und Zwingen werden sämtliche Verbindungen stumpf zusammengeleimt.

3 Einen exakten Schrägschnitt bei den Seitenteilen erhält man, by clamping a strip of wood onto the plate. The jigsaw can be guided cleanly along it.

4 Lufteinlassöffnungen mit einem Forstner-oder Kunstbohrer bohren (see page 11).

5 Die Leuchten auf die hinteren Querstreben montieren und die drei Lüftungsgitter in die Aussparungen setzen.

6 Eine Gummidichtung verhindert den Lichtaustritt zwischen Wand und Rückseite.


Because the lights are inside the sideboard, the lamp switch is unreachable. So you need an outside switch. Particularly clever: a plug with an integrated switch and an electric cable, which is simply connected to the lamp or its cable. The light switch then sits directly on the socket.

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