Really great, this new basement!

Basements are far too good to be used as storage rooms. become walls, Floor and ceiling renovated, you can use them even better.

After we showed in the previous two issues of SelberMachen, like new windows and a more spacious one, green light shaft upgrade the basement, This is about the renovation of the basement room itself. Indifferent, whether you use the room as a basement bar, trim room or, as shown here, want to use as a workshop, the floor must be level and easy to maintain, the walls must not show any plaster damage, and the joints of the prefabricated concrete parts do not necessarily have to be visible on the ceiling. You don't need a bricklayer for the work that needs to be done here. Modern building chemistry products also allow do-it-yourselfers to become renovators.

Of course, the newly sealed floor also includes, that walls and ceiling are renovated. Most of the time, however, a simple coat of paint is not enough. Plaster damage and cracks are repaired beforehand.

Ready mortar mixes, packaged in manageable quantities, make purchasing materials easy. Cement is present in these mixtures in the correct ratio, Contain sand and aggregates. There are different ready-mixed mortars for different applications. You are e.g. B. designed for heavy loads or quick setting.

Important is, that the powdery agent is mixed with water in the stated ratio until free of lumps. This is easy and effortless with a mixing attachment on the drill.


Mixtures containing cement cannot be kept indefinitely. Moist air can suffice in the long run, to get the funds to set: The mixture becomes unusable. Therefore, only buy the quantity if possible, which you will process within a reasonable period of time.

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