Plants for the house wall

Blossoms and greenery suit every wall. Flowering plants with graceful growth go well with beautiful masonry, fast-growing climbers are ideal for unattractive walls, which form a dense green fur in a few years.

For sling: vertical supports

They wind around wires,

rods or stakes – main thing, they lead straight up.

1 Eine riesige Auswahl an Sorten mit ein- and multicolored, often fragrant flowers and with staggered flowering times, the honeysuckle offers (lonicera).

2 An schattigen Plätzen gedeihen Pfeifenwinden (Aristolochia) preferably. Their leaves can grow up to 30 cm tall, the blossoms (small picture) resemble whistles.

3 hop (Humulus) sprouts from the ground every year and covers large areas in a few weeks. The female plants develop golden-yellow infructescences in autumn. More tumbles: Knotweed, blue rain (needs strong supports!), Kiwi, Ray Pen.

For rankers: close-meshed grids

When touched, these plants wind their tendrils or leaf stalks around the climbing aid. Wires or rods should therefore at most 10 mm in diameter.

1 Waldreben (Clematis) provide colorful splendor from spring to autumn. The Clematis x durandii variety flowers for three months!

2 Eine der bekanntesten WaldrebenSorten ist „Nelly Moser“. It grows vigorously and blooms in early summer and a second time in early autumn.

3 Weinreben (Vitis) are indispensable in the garden because of the autumn color of their leaves. Equally striking is wild wine (Parthe-nocissus), holding on with adhesive discs, but finds its way up faster on the grid. More Rankers: Passionsblume, bell vine, Akebie, Wicke, beautiful tendril.

For climbers: waagerechte Streben

Plants using this technique hook behind the struts, allowing them to climb to great heights.

1 Kletterhortensien (Hydrangea petiolaris) actually climb with the help of their adhesive roots, but can be so difficult, that a stable climbing frame is recommended.

2 Unentbehrlich ist so ein Gerüst für Kletterrosen. You tie them first and guide the shoots as horizontally as possible, because they then set more flower buds.

3 Auch der Spindelstrauch (Euonymus fortunei) has clinging roots, that find grip on rough surfaces. Scaffolding is still recommended, so that the shoots do not break off. Spindle shrubs are evergreen and grow well in the shade.

More climbers: Winterjasmin, Feuerdorn, Bougainvillea.


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