Patchwork mit Vlies

Patchwork mit VliesGlue wallpaper strip by strip? There's another way: Great effects on walls and furniture can be achieved using a wide variety of techniques.

Suddenly she's on everyone's lips again: the wallpaper. The first of a total of four ideas for designing with wallpaper is this object wall made of nine strips placed one on top of the other. To do this, cut from a roll of wallpaper 53 cm width each lengths of likewise 53 cm out. These square fields are in turn halved, so that strips of 53 x 26,5 cm arise. The resulting height of 9 x 26,5 cm, namely 238,5 cm is thus fixed and is conveyed with an even distance to the floor and ceiling.

This patchwork technique can best be realized with dimensionally stable non-woven wallpaper. Because they don't expand in width when the paste is applied.

The four differently patterned designs of the "Light Story" wallpaper collection create a balanced picture with their warm colors and are therefore an additional eye-catcher when combined with one another.

Better to combine only wallpaper, that come from one and the same manufacturer's collection. Because these are always colour-coordinated!

1 Zeichnen Sie die obere Tapetenabschlusskante mittels Wasserwaage über die gesamten Wände ein.

2 Links wie rechts des Patchworkfeldes wird eine ganze Tapetenbahn aus der gleichen Kollektion in Vlies-klebetechnik (Apply paste to wall – roll up wallpaper) applied.

3 Zuschnitt der quadratischen Felder mit Lineal und Rollcutter (Prym).

4 Felder rückseitig einkleistern.

5 Passgenaues Ansetzen der insgesamt 45 Tapetenfelder.