Three clever solutions – So your dining table will be bigger in a flash

When guests come… Pour water with the soup, advises the vernacular. But what are you doing with your table? We asked ourselves the same question and realized three ideas, where you can offer more guests space with just a few movements. Two additional places, this applies to our proposed solutions 1 and 2. One 120 x 75 cm large … Continue reading “Three clever solutions – So your dining table will be bigger in a flash”

When guests come… Pour water with the soup, advises the vernacular. But what are you doing with your table? We asked ourselves the same question and realized three ideas, where you can offer more guests space with just a few movements. Two additional places, this applies to our proposed solutions 1 and 2. One 120 x 75 cm large table surface, where six people can sit comfortably, can be expanded with two extension plates on the short sides, that eight people can dine on it. Both solutions are also suitable for other table sizes. It doesn't matter, whether the tables have frames or not.
We have a solution for square table formats 3 another interesting idea: the transformation into a large round table.
Apart from eight holes, the one at the proposal 3 are necessary, to insert the plate carriers, your table remains completely intact. We chose MDF board as the material for all three solutions. It has the great advantage, that it is good to saw, can be milled and painted without extensive preparatory work.
solution 1 consists of two plates and a carrier, which is laid across the table. It is constructed like a U-profile and is covered by perforated aluminum sheets. This gives it a practical additional function: namely as a rechaud. Tea lights can then be embedded in holes inside.

A warmer is built in
The soft aluminum is easy to bend and cut (score with the cutter knife). You can stiffen the lower edges with glued-on aluminum strip profiles. How to work the wood, to give the carrier sufficient stability, see the photos and drawing below.

Self-supporting with aluminum rails
The tabletop, the one with solution 2 is gained, can be the same size as suggested 1. It's just easier to implement. The straps are bought ready-made: aluwinkelprofile, which only have to be sawn off to the correct length. The beveled ends, clearly visible in the drawing below, are not mandatory, do but, just like the semicircular arch at the end of the plates, the shape more pleasing. Anyone who wants to make things easy for themselves, saws off angle profiles and panels at right angles, also dispenses with varnishing the plates and puts a tablecloth over everything. Since the angle profile rests on the panels, creates a small paragraph, which, however, is hardly noticeable given the low material thickness. The support rails and panels should be releasably connected together, so that they can be put away to save space after use. Since wood screws after frequent cleaning- and turning out lose their footing, worth the effort, with threaded screws (M 6) to work and to drill plastic sleeves into the edges. Such sleeves and also the matching screws (with. B. with hexagon socket) are available at hardware stores. If you are concerned, Your sensitive table surface could be damaged by the aluminum rails, you can stick two strips of felt or just adhesive tape to the inside flanks of the profile.

Interchangeable frame for table or shelf

Around table surfaces not just on one or two sides, but to enlarge in all directions, ring-shaped support plates are available: our suggestion number 3. It is the easiest, to expand a square table surface into a larger square surface. But also the transformation of a square into a larger round table, as you see here, possible without problems. And finally, such a “lifebelt” can create even more space at a table that is already round.
But where to put the bulky ring plate, when not in use? Very easily: an die Wand! You can even give it an additional function, for example as a frame for a wardrobe mirror or for an attractive shelf, fixed with wall rails and brackets.
The dimensions in our drawing below refer to one 75 x 75 cm table, for whom we built the ring. For other table sizes, of course, there are also different values. Does your dining table have no frames, you need to find another solution for the carriers, which are then attached to the table legs if possible. Our trapezoidal top supports are inserted into two holes in the frame from the outside before the top ring is placed. When the ring is removed, they go into the same holes under the table top from the inside. A shelf support on its underside makes it easier to pull out – when your guests come.