The unloved lodger vol.2

The unloved lodger2POSSIBLE ACCESSES:
1 Ein Baum nahe dem Haus
2 Jedwede angebaute Überdachung
3 Begrünungen
4 Everything, what is leaning against the house (climbing aid)
5 Lose Dachziegel
6 Aufgebogene Bleiabdichtungen
7 Dachübergänge

What makes the stone marten a successful survivor?
It is not specialized in its hunting behavior and is considered an omnivore. Because he also acts very cautiously and is also enormously adaptable, he comes in forest and field, in the village and also in the big city.

Is its habitat closer to humans??
The animal has lived close to humans for centuries, was only less noticeable in the village-agricultural area. Today the beech marten hardly ever finds straw barns, therefore deviates from other quarters. Requirement is, that it remains undisturbed and protected from climatic influences. Hidden places are preferred, where people don't hang out regularly – Intermediate floors are ideal. In any case, stone martens liked to raise it, That's why attics are the first choice.

What are the animals doing there??
They use them just like that for rest- and sleeping place such as the pile of brushwood in nature. For the marten it is simply one shelter among many in its territory. Because he's twilight- and is nocturnal, he sleeps there during the day. Loot is brought there, Females raise young.

Can humans come to terms with the marten??
This is often the simplest solution. I always say: "A solid house should be able to withstand a marten." Because: Most of the time the animal remains unnoticed. Earplugs can help against the temporary noise. Also against urine, Feces and prey remains are easy to take precautions.

That can also mean, that trees around the house have to be felled or at least collared. Important: Pay attention to this when closing the entrances, that the marten is really not at home!

Particular ingenuity is required for another method - the "scare". The animal should be made as uncomfortable as possible in its quarters, so that it takes off. “The stone marten doesn't like disturbance or change.

The homeowner can use this trait”, says Szameitat.

Also: Enter the attic at different times of the day, clean up and make noise. That disgusting smells drive away the marten, could not be scientifically confirmed. Other repellents, so-called repellents, which are also used by pest controllers, target, for example, the sense of taste of the animals (see box below). “You can also use it to reach hard-to-reach places and be successful”, reports the experienced city hunter.

Only in particularly severe cases does Szameitat consider using the trap. He likes it best, if even simple measures lead to success and put the marten to flight.

1 Kot: Usually does not only occur individually, because the marten often visits one and the same place regularly, to defecate.

2 Herausgezupftes Dämm-material: Here the marten was “under construction” employed.

3 Fußabdruck: This can often only be recognized with a little practice.

4 Futterreste: Egg shells and bone fragments are clear clues. However, the bones come from waste and not from prey.

5 Landeplatz: This is what the position looks like, where the marten lands, when he keeps jumping off the roof in the same spot.

Anger with strong bitter substances

How is the repellent applied?
Our remedy for anger, i.e. driving out the marten, based on a harmless, non-toxic mineral compound. it will be there, where he is staying, widely sprayed. After drying, microscopic crystals remain, which are thrown up and, thanks to the static, get caught in the animal's fur or cling to the paws.

How does it affect the animal??
The effect begins with the fact, that martens, being fur animals, clean themselves a lot. Strong bitter substances act in the remedy, which he doesn't like at all and triggers a real gag reflex. Incidentally, it also sells other fur-bearing animals such as cats, Rats and mice very effective.

Not an endangered species

Are stone martens particularly protected ?
Beech martens are among the species protected by the Federal Species Protection Ordinance. It is, like all other species, verboten, killing the animals or destroying the habitats. This also applies to stone martens, although they are not an endangered species. Beech martens are also subject to hunting rights. this means, that trained hunters are allowed to shoot the animals in their territories during the hunting season and catch them in special traps.
The hunting season for beech martens lasts from mid-October to the end of February. In February, however, some females already have young, who then starve. There are specific regulations in the individual federal states.

Is catching and releasing elsewhere a sensible measure??
The method is invalid. We know of transmitter-equipped animals, that it is usually no longer than ten to 14 days, until the orphaned territory is taken over by a young animal, looking for a territory of its own.